Labour & Material
Labour Entry
Select Labour, Materials Etc. - Labour Entry (or Batch Labour Entry) When you select this screen you will notice that the current date has been entered already and a job number appears in the second column. The program has been set up to save as much ...
Material Entry
Material Entry (or Batch Material Entry) Select Input, Material. The date and job number are already entered for you. If you do not need to change these just enter over them. The cursor will move to the code field and the Find button will be enabled. ...
Sub-Contractors / FreeForm Entry
Add Sub-contractors or Freeform Entry Sub-Contractors or Freeform allows you to enter the details directly into this area. Add Name, Cost price, Sell price, then the description field allows you the enter a detailed description which will appear on ...
Variations Entry
Entering Variations (Batch Variation Entry) Variations are usually applicable only to Lumpsum (/L) jobs. Notice that the description field is sized to show only part of the description in order to show more columns on the screen. If you need more ...
Invoices Entry/Edit
Invoice Entry/Edit A field invoice is any invoice not directly produced and printed by CostManager. For example you may do some ‘on-the spot’ invoices which are hand written on the site. These invoices must be entered into the system in this screen ...
Payments Entry/Edit
Receiving payments When you receive payments for an invoice you enter the details in this screen. In this system you must enter the payment against an invoice number. You can not enter a payment ‘on account’. The reason for this is to maintain ...
Job Overview Screen
This screen summarises all the tabs for you to review. Giving you are break down on every component of the job, Labour, Materials, Sub-Contractors & Total value. Shows the invoice value of this job, any payments received and what amount of money is ...