Delete a "To be scheduled job"
Delete a "To be scheduled job" To delete a job in the "To Be Scheduled" section you need to move the schedule into an employees slot and delete from there. Click on the red cross at the left hand of the job schedule. You then select whether you want ...
Delete a scheduled job
Deleting a scheduled job This is for a job assigned to an employee and you want to remove from the schedule. Click on the red cross at the left hand of the job schedule You then select whether you want to continue or not. When you click OK the ...
Move a "To be scheduled" (with date and time) to an employee
Job Appointment Scheduler Move a "To be scheduled" (with date and time) to an employee. In this example we will use job 00106/D, it already has a Schedule date & Time. Double click on the job number to open the pop up screen. All details are ...
Move a Unscheduled job from "To be scheduled" to an employee
Move a Unscheduled job from "To be scheduled" to an employee Select the date you want the job to be completed on. Double click on the job you want to schedule. The job will appear in the top right corner of the screen. Left Click (hold) and drag to ...
Move a scheduled job from an employee to the "To be scheduled" area
Moving a scheduled job from an employee to the "To Be Scheduled" list From the appointment job scheduler do the following from the centre of the job to be moved into the "to be scheduled later" section Left click (Hold) and drag over the schedule ...
Cut & Copying Schedules
Job Appointment Scheduler - Copy a schedule to another employee (2 or more employees attending the same job) If you want to add the same schedule to another employee or move to another date. Select right click on the job you would like to copy and ...
Add a schedule to a job in the "To Schedule" list
You can schedule a job directly to a field employee or as a "pending job" IE: for scheduling to an employee later. It can have a date and time set to help keep track of the jobs and can be easily scheduled to an employee when required. We are going ...
Schedule an existing job for an employee
To add an "Existing job" right mouse click in the required time slot of the initials required. This opens the "Job Finder". When you select the job number you are requiring, the job details screen appears with most information pre-populated. Leaving ...
Schedule a new job - for an employee
To add a "New Job". Select the employee that you want to schedule the job to. Find the date (if not today) by using the date picker or the forward day or week arrows. Find the correct start time in the grid and “left mouse click” to select. Type in ...
What do all the colours mean?
Background Colours When you are looking at any of the jobs in CostManager, they will have coloured backgrounds. Each colour represents a different job status. Viewed for first time - Pale Orange This is colour when you enter a screen and this is the ...
Employee setup
Other - Settings - Set up Jobs & Rates - Labour Rates This section covers how to hide employees you don't want to see in the scheduler and how to re-order the list of employees. To reduce the numbers of columns for ease of use untick the "Show rates ...
Job Appointment Scheduler
Add - Job Appointment Scheduler The appointment scheduler is one of the main sections of the program. You can select 2 ways to enter jobs into the scheduler either by entering the job directly onto the scheduler or enter the job to be scheduled ...