Unpaid Invoices

Unpaid Invoices

Todo - Unpaid invoices

Is a summary screen of all unpaid invoices.When opened you notice the screen is sorted by newest to oldest invoice. By clicking in the grey headier area next to a heading EG: Date, the page will be resorted by Date.
You can sort by any of the column headings, if you click again on the same field it will reverse the order of the information shown.

Invoice No., Date, Client, Due Date Amount Job No Job Contact ,& Job Phone are pre-populated. (Job Contact/ Job Phone only if information entered at the time or again client details)
Unpaid Remarks: Notes are added here when talking with customers regarding their payments
Payment: Clicking on the payment button opens the Apply Payment screen, allowing you to accept a payment.
The following can be added to the Apply Payment screen.
Discount: Adding a number to this field will reduce the amount by this percentage.
Withheld: If you have used in Lumpsum jobs with Retention's, the amount you have selected will appear here.
Method: A.Express, Bankcard, MasterCard, Visa, Barter-card, Diners club, Cash, Cheque, EFT, Paypal, Other.
Reference: add a reference number
Approved: When credit payments are made, you can tick this box to show is was approved
Comments: add any comments you like.

Job Contact: Double left click in this field will open the Job Details screen.
Job Phone: You can a phone number in here
Selected: If you this box, it allows you to do multiple tasks at once. Once ticked ticked you can select either Send Invoice, Send Statement or Send Reminder.
Reminder: This column will show what action has been taken in regards to the individual invoice in relation to reminders.
Buttons along the bottom right of the screen.
Send Invoice: Tick selected invoice/s required, then you can either reprint the invoice/s or email invoice/s.
Send Statement: Tick selected invoice/s, then either print or email statement.
Send Reminder: Tick selected invoice/s, then select which reminder you would like to send "Friendly Reminder", "Overdue" or "Final Notice".
Select All: This button will select every invoice on the screen.
Clear All: This button will clear all ticks you have placed in the selected tick boxes.
Search Functions: Allows you to filter by the following information: "Job No. Invoice Number or Client Name".
Total: In the bottom right hand corner of the screen appears the total of all unpaid invoices

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