Stock - Stock Control - Find Price Screen
Red Box - Contains all information relating the item in the price file highlighted by the blue line of the grid, including all pricing related to the item and how Costmanager will use that pricing. Note the different mark ups you can select for Resale & Estimating along with setting your own recommended retail price (RRP).
Green Box - Contains all the Search filters you can use to narrow down your search for the correct item including Search by Supplier, Brand, Group, Code, Description or Bar-code. Partial searches are of more, as they enable you see a collection of items, then narrow down your range of items using the filters
Only Favourite - This tick box if selected, will narrow your search to only the favourites your have selected in your price file. To add an item to your favourites, locate the item, highlight it and select Edit, then place a tick in the Favourite box.