Material and Others

Material and Others

Select Setup, Jobs & Rates, Material & Other.

The grid at left determines how to markup material when you use either ‘C’ or ‘T’ in the material input screen.  For example, say an item is $10.00 trade and we get 25% discount.  The cost of the item is $7.50.  If we use 4 of these then the total cost of that line is $30.00.  From the above grid you can see that the system will ‘sell’ the items as follows.

If we enter ‘C’ in the material input Method column, 7.50 + 35% = 10.125 each

If we enter ‘T’ in the material input Method column,10.00 + 15% = 11.50 each

You can edit the grid to give as many price breaks as you want.  Note that you could also set the markup columns to the same value so that you have the same markup irrespective of the cost.

Note! This only applies to items that aren’t in the price file.

This section allows you to set up other charges which will be used at invoice time.  The actual function of each item is discussed in Tutorials which include the invoicing function.  For now, a brief description is show below.  If you are unsure what to enter, accept the defaults (the values already shown).

Km Charge – For Do & Charge jobs, this is the amount to charge your client for Kilometers travelled.

Km cost – This is used for costing purposes for all types of jobs.  This is usually determined by dividing the cost of running your vehicles for a year by the total kilometers travelled for the year.

Service Charge – An amount you charge for attending a call.  It is in addition to labour and material charge.  Usually leave this at 0 as you get the opportunity of adding it at invoice time.

Service Cost – For cost reporting purposes, this is a value which reflects the cost of getting someone to and from the job.

Small Jobs Base – The preferred method of charging for some plumbers.  If you enter an amount here, any Do and Charge job that goes for less than 4 hours will have this charge applied.  Jobs over 4 hours will automatically revert to the hourly rate method.

Small Jobs Increment – This is the amount to apply to jobs under 4 hours per quarter of an hour.

NECA/Small Jobs text – Enter in the required text to be included on the invoice,  such as “Includes first ½ hour on site” or similar.

NECA/Small Jobs “included time” – This is the amount of time included in the base rate of the NECA/Small Jobs methods.  Use the pull down to select.

NECA Normal Base – The method sometimes recommended by various Electrical Contractor Associations.  For jobs the amount includes attendance and the first “included time” amount of work.

NECA Normal increment – The amount to charge per quarter hour after the first half hour.

NECA AH Base – As for NECA Normal Base but for after hours work.

NECA Normal Increment - As for NECA Normal Base but for after hours work.

Sub Markup - The percentage markup to apply to subcontractor cost.

Est default Markup - The percentage markup to apply in estimates where the item of material is not found in the price file.

GST% - The Goods and Services Tax rate currently applicable.

Markup threshold % - For future use

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