Select Labour, Materials Etc. - Labour Entry (or Batch Labour Entry)
When you select this screen you will notice that the current date has been entered already and a job number appears in the second column. The program has been set up to save as much typing as possible and always enters this information for you. You can of course change the date or job number, but if it is what you want simply enter over these fields. The cursor will move to the initials field grids for Labour Rates and Client Rates are shown on the left.
Initials. You can either type in valid initials (which were set up in tutorial 4.4) or highlight the initials showing in the Labour Rates grid and then double click. Note that if a special rate has been set up for this client (tutorial 4.5), the special rates will be shown in the Client Rates grid. Any labour added to a job via the mobile app will already appear in the job (including the time stamp, Initials & hours recorded) as shown in this example.
Normal, Overtime, Double. Enter the hours worked
Timestamp. Actual hours worked recorded on the Mobile App.
Kilometres. Enter the kilometres travelled between jobs. Even if you are not going to charge your client for kilometres it is a good idea to enter them so that the costs can be allocated to the job.
When you have finished the line a new line will be prepared for you.
You can make changes to any line just by clicking on the selected line and adjusting. To make adjustments to a closed job (Greyed out line) you need to click on "Open Jobs for Editing" first then continue.
Client Rates. If you have added special rates for this client it will appear in the Clients Rates field in the bottom right hand side of the page. You can set individual rates by Site Worker or use the * sign to apply the special rates to all Site Workers. To add special rates go to Other - Settings - Set up Jobs & Rates - Client Rates. Double click on the client in the client column, then either double click on the Initials you would like or add the * sign into the initials field to apply to all site workers, add you special rates and close.
Batch Labour Entry