Add - Job Appointment Scheduler
The appointment scheduler is one of the main sections of the program.
You can select 2 ways to enter jobs into the scheduler either by entering the job directly onto the scheduler or enter the job to be scheduled later either attached to an employee or without.
Add new job appointment to scheduler (Both new or existing jobs)
Add new job appointment to the schedule later (Both new or existing jobs)
Task Bar Functions
Selecting the date.
Drop down calendar between date & day. Select date or use arrows to find the date & month you want.
Arrows - Backward week at a time, Backwards a day at a time, Today (to return the the current day), forwards a day at a time, forwards a week at a time.
Print Day
For those who would like a print out of that day's schedules to all employees use the "Print Day" button
View Weekly
This allows you to view a week at a time by employee. Click on the initials in the top left hand corner of the screen to choose the employee.
Click the initials of the employee and select the employee you would like to view and click OK.
Using the arrows to search for the required information
Email All
This function will email the day's schedule of all jobs to all employees listed on the scheduler.
Scheduled colours
Schedule colours allow you to know what stage each job is at. Click "here" for more information.
Hide "To Schedule"
This button allows you to hide the "To schedule" area at the bottom of the screen. Useful if you have a long list of employees in your schedule.
Search Job
This function allows you to search the "Job Finder" for a job anywhere on the scheduler, if the job is on the scheduler a pop screen will tell you when the job is scheduled and who was assigned the job.
When you click OK, you will be taken to the day the job was scheduled.
If not it will tell you the "Job not scheduled".
To change or move Jobs between Site-workers on the same day.
To change the time of job, you can left click hold and drag to the new time slot required either for the same site-worker or another site-worker on the same day.
To increase the time for a job, hover over the end of the box you want to increase (until the double ended arrow appears) then "hold left click" and drag to the new time.
To change or move Jobs between Site-workers on another day.
To move a job from one day to another, right click on the job box and select cut. The job will disappear from the scheduler.
Then select the day, time or site-worker you want to move the job to, when hovering over the time right click to paste.