Invoices Entry/Edit

Invoices Entry/Edit

Invoice Entry/Edit

A field invoice is any invoice not directly produced and printed by CostManager.  For example you may do some ‘on-the spot’ invoices which are hand written on the site. These invoices must be entered into the system in this screen and will then rank equally with other invoices.  Note that the invoice number can be any valid number between 1 and 99999. However if you try to input an invoice number which already exists you will get an error message. For this reason it is a good idea to number your field invoices with a prefix not currently used by the system. That is, use say 80001 to 89999 exclusively for field invoices.

To enter a “Field Invoice”  click on the “Add” button at the base of the Input – Invoices tab,  you will see a “pop-up” screen as below.

Once Completed your screen will show the following.

View Invoices in Batch Invoices

This screen is used purely as a summary screen of all invoices generated. Not used for any other purpose than viewing a PDF copy of the invoice (if generated as a PDF when invoiced)

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