Find Price Screen

Find Price Screen

Find Price Screen

Red Box - Contains all information relating the item in the price file highlighted by the blue line of the grid, including all pricing related to the item and how Costmanager will use that pricing. Note the different mark ups you can select for Resale & Estimating along with setting your own recommended retail price (RRP).

Green Box - Contains all the Search filters you can use to narrow down your search for the correct item including Search by Supplier, Brand, Group, Code, Description or Bar-code. Partial searches are of more, as they enable you see a collection of items, then narrow down your range of items using the filters

Blue Boxes - When you click enable "Mobile selection" button, the 2 greyed out button will activate and show "Select ALL" and "Clear ALL'. This means if you select "Select All' the all items will appear in the mobile APP for the site workers to use. Subsequently, "Clear All" does the opposite and removes all items from the Mobile APP. The second blue box shows "To Mobile", if you select this you can then select your top 100 to 500 lines to transfer over to the Mobile App.

Only Favourite - This tick box if selected, will narrow your search to only the favourites your have selected in your price file. To add an item to your favourites, locate the item, highlight it and select Edit, then place a tick in the Favourite box.

EDIT Price file item

Highlight the item in the grid that you would like to edit, a new screen will open. Every field in this screen can now be modified.

Add to Mobile - Tick the box on the left of the heading if you want this item to appear on the Mobile APP.

Favourites -  Tick the box on the left of the heading if you want this item to appear in your favourites list search function in the price file.

Once you have made all the required changes click the OK to save and close the screen

ADD item to Price File

All fields in white can be completed. Type in all the required details to the top section.
Unit - Is the unit of measurement EG Roll, EA, MTR etc
GST - Is set to default to 10% within CostManager (GST set from Other - Settings - Set up jobs & Rates - Material & Other  - GST%)
Trade Price - This is the industry trade price (if known), otherwise make up your trade price.
Discount - Is the discount your supplier gives you off the trade price.
Cost - Will automatically be added once the trade price & discount have been added.
Cost Inc - Cost price including GST
Resale Markup - This is not retail pricing, but your resale price, add the percentage you want the item to be marked up by in the mark up field. The price and inc boxes will auto populate.
Estimating - This is your default mark up that you want to set a base for your estimating jobs,add the percentage you want the item to be marked up by in the mark up field. The price and inc boxes will auto populate.
RRP - This is recommended retail price, these prices are normally supplied by your supplier, add the price to the RRP Ex field and inc field will auto populate.
Add to Mobile - Tick the box on the left, if you want this item to appear in the mobile APP price file.
Favourites - Tick the box on the left, if you want this item added to your favourites list.

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