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Find Price
Other - Set up Pricing - Price File - Find Price To search the price file you can type a partial id into the "Code", "Description" or "Barcode" and press enter. To narrow the search down you can use the filters listed below; You can filter by ...
Find Price
Point of Sale - Utilities - Find Price Red Box - Contains all information relating the item in the price file highlighted by the blue line of the grid, including all pricing related to the item and how Costmanager will use that pricing. Note the ...
Find Price
Point of Sale - Price File Red Box - Contains all information relating the item in the price file highlighted by the blue line of the grid, including all pricing related to the item and how Costmanager will use that pricing. Note the different mark ...
Find Price Screen
Find Price Screen Red Box - Contains all information relating the item in the price file highlighted by the blue line of the grid, including all pricing related to the item and how Costmanager will use that pricing. Note the different mark ups you ...
Add Price
Select Others - Pricing set up - Price file - Add price This will insert a line in the price file with a code of NEW. All of the other fields will be the same as the record which was current at the time you selected Add. The purpose of this is to ...