Supplier - Who are you buying it from. Generally Wholesaler or Manufacturer.
Brand - If wanting to add new brand, remove exiting and a drop down list of existing brands will appear or just type in the brand.
Group - If wanting to add new Group, remove exiting and a drop down list of existing brands will appear or just type in the Group.
Code - Type in the code number you want to use.
Barcode - enter manually if available on product box or supplied by suppliers with their price files.
Alias - Type any alias you wish to use, of great assistance when searching for items on mobile App.
Description - Type the description you want to use.
Long Description - This field allows for your to give long detailed descriptions.
Unit - Unit of measure for the product. EG: Mtrs, Roll, EA, Pack, Length, ETC
GST% - Set up in the default settings of "Other - Settings - Jobs & Rates - Materials & other"
Trade - Supplier or Manufacturers Trade price.
Discount - Discount you want to give your customers on this item. (You can also set discounts by client under Other - Settings - Jobs & Rates - Clients - Material discounts)
Cost EX - Cost of the item excluding GST
Cost Inc - Cost of the item including GST.
Resale Markup - Add the percentage you want this item to be marked up for resale to your customers.
Resale Inc - Resale price of the item including GST.
Estimating Mark up - The percentage markup for this item to be used in the estimating section of CostManager.
Estimating Inc - Estimating price of the item including GST.
RRP - Recommended Retail Price for this item.
Recommended Retail Price Inc - Recommended Retail Price of the item including GST.
Labour Rate - Amount time required to install this item (units shown are 1 = 60 minutes, therefore 6 minutes = 0.1, 12 minutes - 0.2 and so one)
Date - Is automatically added when the item is created, if a supplier item the date will show the last time the price was updated.
Add to Mobile - Tick this box if you want this item to appear on the Mobile App.
Favourite - Tick this box if you want this item included in your "Favourites" list, when favourites ticked in your search page of find price only "Favourites" will appear.