Add Price

Add Price

Select Purchase Order, New Purchase Order, Type item, Find price, Click Add. 

This will insert a line in the price file with a code of NEW. All of the other fields will be the same as the record which was current at the time you selected Add. 
The purpose of this is to save a lot of typing when you are entering multiple new codes. 
For example if you want to enter 10 different brackets, only the trade price, description and code will differ between items.
Edit the fields to suit the new item and then select “OK” or "Exit" to exit without saving the changes
To change any heading remove existing information and type in what you want to add.

Supplier -  Who are you buying it from. Generally Wholesaler or Manufacturer.

Brand - If wanting to add new brand, remove exiting and a drop down list of existing brands will appear or just type in the brand.

Group -  If wanting to add new Group, remove exiting and a drop down list of existing brands will appear or just type in the Group.

Code - Type in the code number you want to use.

Barcode - enter manually if available on product box or supplied by suppliers with their price files.

Alias - Type any alias you wish to use, of great assistance when searching for items on mobile App.

Description - Type the description you want to use.

Long Description - This field allows for your to give long detailed descriptions.

Unit - Unit of measure for the product. EG: Mtrs, Roll, EA, Pack, Length, ETC

GST% - Set up in the default settings of "Other - Settings - Jobs & Rates - Materials & other"

Trade - Supplier or Manufacturers Trade price.

Discount - Discount you want to give your customers on this item. (You can also set discounts by client under Other - Settings - Jobs & Rates - Clients - Material discounts)

Cost EX - Cost of the item excluding GST

Cost Inc - Cost of the item including GST.

Resale Markup - Add the percentage you want this item to be marked up for resale to your customers.

Resale Inc - Resale price of the item including GST.

Estimating Mark up - The percentage markup for this item to be used in the estimating section of CostManager.

Estimating Inc - Estimating price of the item including GST.

RRP - Recommended Retail Price for this item.

Recommended Retail Price Inc - Recommended Retail Price of the item including GST.

Labour Rate - Amount time required to install this item (units shown are 1 = 60 minutes, therefore 6 minutes = 0.1, 12 minutes - 0.2 and so one)

Date - Is automatically added when the item is created, if a supplier item the date will show the last time the price was updated.

Add to Mobile - Tick this box if you want this item to appear on the Mobile App.

Favourite - Tick this box if you want this item included in your "Favourites" list, when favourites ticked in your search page of find price only "Favourites" will appear.

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